Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A New Me

I am a chubby 34 year old mother of two amazing children. (Chubby a kind way for me to call myself fat, overweight, or obese.) Those are ugly words. I do not like them. I prefer chubby or plump, even full figured.

I am trying to create a new me on the outside. Demolition of the old me has already begun. While I make the changes to the outside, I am sure that changes will happen on the inside. I love most things about me, but I recognize I need to make changes to make a better me. For my husband. For my kids. And for me. Yep, that is me listed last. I put myself last on the list because I was taught in school that when making a list, the most important thing goes last. Yes, it is important to change for my husband and my children, but I need to do it for ME!